Wednesday, September 09, 2009


The highlight of my summer would have been going to CAMP!
This camp is made especially for people with disabilities. the disability that i have is
I have been going to that camp every since i have heard of it about 10 years ago!, and i will not stop going! =)!

I love all the people that work thereee,
they are one of a kind people that you will NOT find anywhere elsee =)
and they are juss' so nice.
and it is also nice, because they have the same disability!

There isn't a day that goes by, that i don't talk to at least one of them!

That was the most important thing of my summer =)!
I cannot wait to back next year,
and stay for three weeks,
and be a counselor in training!


  1. hey!! what exactly is Hemophilia. ? never heard of it

  2. heyyy ur best part of ur summer should be hanging out with meeee!
